Alcohol Rehab In Riverside CA
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What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?
Alcohol use disorder occurs when a person does not have the ability to stop or control their use of alcohol. These people cannot stop despite the negative consequences. A person suffering from AUD may face consequences related to health, work, or relationships.
People who start drinking at an early age or who have mental health disorders have a high risk of developing AUD. In addition people who have a family history of substance use may have a greater risk of developing AUD.
Signs of Alcohol Addiction
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, lays out several clear signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction.
1. The addicted individual feels as though they cannot control their alcohol consumption.
They may feel out of control or know that they “should” stop. However, they feel unable to take those steps on their own. Even when they try to stop drinking, they may fall right back into that cycle. Even if they have the desire to stop drinking, they may find themselves entirely unable to do so.
2. The addicted individual struggles to engage in activities that were once enjoyed.
This may include withdrawal from social activities or hobbies, especially those that do not involve drinking. A person with AUD may turn down those activities even when not actively planning to drink during that time.
3. The addicted individual chooses to consume alcohol in high-risk situations.
An individual who suffers from alcohol addiction may choose to drink while driving, despite knowing the dangers. Or they might choose to drink despite responsibilities such as watching small children.
4. The addicted individual devotes considerable time and resources, including money, to drinking.
Often, people suffering from AUD may face financial problems due to spending considerable amounts of money on alcohol. In addition, the addicted individual may spend considerable time drinking, and feel or act upset when denied the ability to drink.
5. Alcohol tolerance may increase substantially over time.
Eventually, an addicted individual may need to use considerably more alcohol than he used previously. This happens so that they can obtain the same effect.
6. The addicted individual may suffer from cravings or withdrawal symptoms when they cannot drink for any reason.
Cravings may emerge any time alcohol consumption is denied for a long period of time. The addicted individual may quickly suffer from significant withdrawal effects if alcohol is denied. That individual may feel as though they have to drink in order to feel better.
7. The individual suffers problems because of alcohol use.
Alcohol use can cause family problems, relationship issues, or problems at work or school. An addicted individual may notice a significant impact in any or all of those areas due to alcohol consumption. Continuing to use alcohol in spite of these problems is one of the key signs of alcohol addiction. A person suffering from alcohol addiction may not necessarily suffer from all of these symptoms. When alcohol consumption begins to interfere with other daily activities, it could indicate a serious addiction. A serious problem may exist even if all symptoms are not present.
Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
In severe cases, alcohol withdrawal can lead to much more severe symptoms. Some patients may suffer from hallucinations and even seizures. Patients who suffer from DTs due to severe alcohol withdrawal may have more debilitating symptoms, including:
Racing heart
High blood pressure
Confusion or feeling disoriented
It’s also normal for patients to feel “low” or depressed for some time after suffering from alcohol withdrawal. Sleep disturbances may last for some time after the last drink.
What is Alcohol Rehab, and How Does It Work?
Detoxification from alcohol, especially for heavy drinkers, can be medically dangerous. You may end up suffering from a variety of potentially dangerous symptoms. When you check into an alcohol rehabilitation facility, you’ll start with a medically-supervised detox program. Under the supervision of medically trained professionals, you can receive medication that can help you deal with and decrease withdrawal symptoms.
At a treatment center, you’ll have the opportunity to go through that detox process in a comfortable environment. Generally, rehab facilities are more comforting than a hospital setting. There, you’ll receive access to a high level of care and support as you move through the detox process.
At Mountain Gate, we aim to minimize the symptoms of withdrawal as much as possible. In some cases this includes taking alcohol detox medication to help reduce those symptoms.
Once withdrawal symptoms have subsided, you will be in the best possible position to take the next step in your recovery. We offer options for both inpatient and outpatient treatment. We will make a treatment plan depending on the results of your personal medical evaluation and your unique needs. We pride ourselves on offering a variety of treatment services to fit the needs of each patient.
Our trained therapists will help you work through the challenges that may have led to your initial alcohol addiction. We will also help you determine how to best address those challenges and avoid drinking in the future. We help set our clients up for future success. This includes providing them with proven tools and strategies that can help them avoid alcohol use after they leave rehabilitation.
Are You or a Loved One Struggling with Alcohol Addiction in Riverside County, CA?
If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol addiction, Mountain Gate can help you. We provide a safe, comfortable environment to help you handle the alcohol withdrawal process. We can help you build stronger, more effective coping mechanisms.
Our team of professionals is here to support you on your recovery journey. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and determine how we can help you safely and comfortably overcome withdrawal.